We would like to invite all MKYRA members and their families who participated in Finals and are in good standings…
We are happy to announce that we will have a photographer at the rodeo on 4/16 in Humansville, MO Timeless…
#2 Barrel Buckle Series on 4/14 in Humansville, MO
Google rodeo sign up link dated for rodeos 4&5April 15&16 in Humansville Visit here to enter online: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScDKeoWn4QMSd_I-fWS1E3eeNaZU3aY_zPiR1lSixxBaJnbJw/viewform Reserve stalls…
Friendly Reminder: If contestants earned points at the November rodeo they must renew membership before the rodeo performance Saturday 3/4/23.…
The MKYRA secretary is taking memberships for the 2022 season. When joining or renewing please have two (2) notarized, signed copies of the membership form along with a…